Granada Alojamiento «Casa Silas» Ubicacion

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Casa Silas is located in the colonial area of Granada, where most of the homes in the area date from the period after 1856: the year that William Walker’s men set torch to light, and burned Granada to the ground.


Reconstruction of many of the grand casonas began in the period immediately following Walker’s flight from Granada.


Many of the original casonas from that period remain whole, and though many had suffered over time from neglect, revolution, civil war and difficult economic times, the new century has brought a renewed passion for pre- serving and sharing Granada’s grand colonial culture, history and architecture.


Casa Silas was once a considerably larger home but, was eventually divided into three homes. After renovating the entire house, I now look forward to opening my home to you, and sharing my passion for this fascinating city, country and its people.


Calle La Concepcíon is close to the popular market where vendors from across the country bring their fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, meats and cheeses. A walk through the market on the way to the park or to the lake is a walk back in time to when life was measured by experiences and not by minutes.