
Packages in Northern Nicaragua *** Accommodation for nights and days tours: simple and combined
Welcome port By day and night Type of food and beverages Type of accommodation
Frontera hands A restaurant service City hotel
Hawthorn border Buffet service City Hostel
Somoto- Madriz Somoto Canyon Comideria eco-lodge
Ocotal – Nueva Segovia Cerro Mogoton Fast foods Bedroom finca
Estelí Clouds-Miraflor Takeaways Camp
Sebaco Comida corriente
Matagalpa Tuma / La Dalia peasant food from the farm
Jinotega Apanás Bring own food
Adventure and adrenaline, climbing (natural history, geology, flora, fauna, volcanoes, culture) Climbing the highest mountain in Nicaragua, hiking, trails, swimming in the Grand Canyon, visiting the Salto Estanzuela, mountain hotel first Selva class black.Welcome: waiting at the border post in the Northern Region Central Nicaragua with Honduras In the vehicle of your choice: microbus, Jeep, private taxi, or public bus.

Hotel: at your choice: Hostel in the city, adjacent bedroom farm or camp.

Hands border: 20 km of Ocotal City Header department of Nueva Segovia

Frontera El Espino: 20 km from the CITIZE of Somoto Madriz


  • «All our tour packages to fit your needs so you can enjoy the beauties of Northern Nicaragua by the chosen route»
  • «Our packages are flexible, can be extended or shortened and also include or change destinations and activities according to your expectations.»
  • «If you have more days and want to know other beauties of northern Nicaragua, feel free to complete their journey to other destinations»
Ruta del Cafe
Route Snuff
Cacao Route
Milk Route
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